Bulk Sale, Notice to Creditors

______________________ conducts a business engaged in _____________, at ________________, ____________, __________. _____________ has contracted to sell to _____________, in bulk, the following:



Pursuant to Article 6-104 of the Uniform Commercial Code, _____________ herewith lists all creditors of _____________.


Undisputed creditors:


See attached Exhibit One


Disputed creditors (the following entities claim that they are owed sums, however, _____________ disputes the same):


See attached Exhibit Two



For _______________

As its: Owner



Exhibit One:  Undisputed Creditors


Exhibit Two:  Disputed Creditors



STATE OF ___________

COUNTY OF __________


______________________________________________________, appeared before me, and swore or affirmed that the foregoing list of creditors is true and correct to the best of their knowledge and belief.


Dated: ____________________________




Notary Public

My Commission expires on:


Bulk Sale, Notice to Creditors

Review List

This review list is provided to inform you about this document in question and assist you in its preparation.  This Notice is required by UCC law.  You must send it to all creditors, disputed and undisputed, and you are well advised to send them to all parties you have done any business with in the last year.


  1. Make multiple copies.  Be sure each appropriate party receives a copy.  Sending faxes, as well as letters, is advised since you can get fax receipts for each copy sent in that manner.  Keep a copy with the transaction file related to the bulk sale.


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